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Autistic Researchers Researching Autism

This is not an exhaustive list, but rather those autism researchers I am aware of who are (and have disclosed as) autistic.
If you are an autistic autism researcher and you would like to be included on this list, please contact us so we can add you.

Sara Acevedo, Miami University 

Elesia Ashkenazy, AASPIRE

Emma Asselman, Ghent University

Amanda Baggs

Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Sodertorn University

Rebecca Freeman Barnett, Eastern Michigan University

Monique Botha, University of Stirling

Frederick Boven, University of Groningen  

Heather Brown, University of Alberta

Karen Leneh Buckle, University of Manchester

Catherine Caldwell-Harris, Boston University

Katrine Callander, University of Kent

Amandine Catala, University of Quebec

Ana Carolina Cottington, University of Washington

Sebastian Dern, AASPIRE

Eric de Rus, Institut Jean de la Croix & Faculte de philosophie, Institut Catholique de Toulouse

Marjorie Désormeaux-Moreau, Sherbrooke University

Patrick Dwyer, UC Davis

Chris Edwards, Aspect (Australia)

Morénike Giwa Onaiwu

Emma Goodall

Aimee Grant, Swansea University

Sarah Grant, Kings College London

Juliette Gudknecht - Teachers College, Columbia University

Rachel Hallett, The Open University

Jessica Harrison, University of Southern Queensland

Kristen Harrison, University of Michigan

Susan Hayward, Deakin University

Julianne Higgins, University of New South Wales

Jac den Houting, Macquarie University

Jennifer Hunt

Rebecca Jackson

Steven Kapp, University of Portsmouth

Marianthi Kourti, University of Birmingham



​Wenn Lawson, Curtin University

Jenna Lourenco, Emmanuel College

Jennifer Lowe, La Trobe University

Gabor Luci, Széchenyi István University 

Gilly McKeown

Tish Marrable, University of Sussex

T. A. Meridian McDonald, Vanderbilt University

Panda Mery

Damien Milton, University of Kent

Brett Nachman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ari Ne'eman, Harvard University

Alison Nuske, University of South Australia

Gabrielle Ohlson, Carnegie Mellon University

Rebecca Poulsen, Macquarie University

Dora Raymaker, Portland State University

Penny Robinson, Monash University  

Robin Roscigno, Rutgers New Brunswick 

Elinor Rowlands, Nottingham Trent University

Jackie Ryan, University of Alberta

Kelly Searsmith, University of Illinois

Abby Sesterka, Macquarie Univesity

Stephen Shore, Adelphi University

Anna Stenning, University of Leeds

Kayden Stockwell, University of Virginia

Holly E. A. Sutherland, University of Cambridge

Sandra Thom-Jones, University of Wollongong

TC Waisman, Adapt Coaching and Training

Krysia Waldock, University of Kent

Nick Walker, California Institute of Integral Studies

Gemma Williams, University of Brighton

Kat Williams, Cardiff University

Zack Williams, Vanderbilt University 

Sean Yeager, The Ohio State University

M. Remi Yergeau, University of Michigan

Alyssa Hillary Zisk, The University of Rhode Island

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